About me
Belén Pacheco, Ph.D in Biochemistry and Structural Biology

Hola! I’m Belén
I am a passionate science visual communicator dedicated to making complex scientific ideas accessible and engaging.
With a background in Biochemistry and Structural Biology, I specialize in creating visually stunning graphics that bring your research to life.
I combine my scientific expertise with a solid foundation in traditional visual art forms, such as watercolor, ink, and graphite, alongside advanced skills in graphic design.
Whether you’re looking to enhance your communication skills or need custom illustrations, I’m here to help you make your research have a lasting impact.
My Mission
To transform complex scientific concepts into beautiful and impactful visual narratives that inspire and communicate.
Core Values

Pursuit of Beauty and Excellence



Honest and ethical practices guide my work, ensuring that your science is communicated with accuracy and authenticity.


Continuous Learning
Awards & Recognitions
Selected to represent Vienna BioCenter
in organizing the 2023 Graduate Life Sciences Symposium in collaboration with the MRC-LMB in Cambridge, UK, 2023.
In 2023, I earned a PhD in Biochemistry and Structural Biology at the IMP in Vienna, where I worked in the lab of Dr. Clemens Plaschka. There, I was captivated by this compelling question: how do cells select the correct mRNAs for export while accommodating the vast array of 20,000 genes in the human genome, considering that eukaryotic gene expression is separated by two cellular compartments?
In Clemens’ lab, I used Biochemistry and Cryo-EM to lead us to the discovery that mRNA recognition mechanisms and three-dimensional organization are highly intertwined. Our insights challenged the textbook view of gene expression by reshaping our understanding of mRNA — from a loose string to a compact globule. This paradigm shift introduced previously overlooked concepts such as surfaces, layers, and volumes, influencing how we approach questions about mRNA biogenesis, transport, and decay.
I am currently a Senior Research Assistant at IMBA in Vienna, in the lab of Dr. Alejandro Burga, where I am studying Toxin-Antidote elements in C. elegans.
- Hohmann U, Graf M, Schellhaas U, Pacheco-Fiallos B, Fin L, Riabov-Bassat D, Pühringer T, Szalay M-F, Tirian L, Handler D, Brennecke J, Plaschka C (2024). BioRxiv (under revision in Nature). 2024 March. A molecular switch orchestrates the nuclear export of human messenger RNA. 10.1101/2024.03.24.586400.
- Pacheco-Fiallos B*, Vorländer MK*, Riabov-Bassat D, Fin L, O’Reilly FJ, Ayala FI, Schellhaas U, Rappsilber J, Plaschka C. mRNA recognition and packaging by the human transcription-export complex. Nature. 2023 Apr; 616(7958):828-835. doi: 10.1038/s41586-023-05904-0. Epub 2023 Apr 5. PMID: 37020021.
- Vorländer MK, Pacheco-Fiallos B, Plaschka C. Structural basis of mRNA maturation: Time to put it together. Curr Opin Struct Biol. 2022 Aug; 75:102431. doi: 10.1016/j.sbi.2022.102431. Epub 2022 Aug 2. PMID: 35930970.
- Pühringer T, Hohmann U, Fin L, Pacheco-Fiallos B, Schellhaas U, Brennecke J, Plaschka C. Structure of the human core transcription-export complex reveals a hub for multivalent interactions. Elife. 2020 Nov 16;9: e61503. doi: 10.7554/eLife.61503. PMID: 33191911; PMCID: PMC7744094.